Vrienden van het Barlaeus
Introduction to Shakespearean Tragedy (EN)

Door Kristy Mannell, Barlaeusdocent Engels

Begindatum: 6 november 2023 / Einddatum: 27 november 2023
4 in november
Van 20:00 tot 22:00

Barlaeus Gymnasium

This four-part course (in English) will examine the key elements that define Shakespearean tragedy via short lectures, group readings, and discussions. We will focus on Romeo and JulietMacbeth, and King Lear, because these plays each offer a unique lens into tragic aspects of the human experience at varying stages of life.

What you need to bring: a copy of each play, or Shakespeare’s complete works. Recommended publishers include Norton, Oxford, and Arden. 

vier maandagavonden in november 2023;  6, 13, 20 en 27 november


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